The village of Bykovo is a place with a rich history that dates back to the distant past. In different eras, it was either part of the palace complex or a private property. Historians and local historians are still arguing about the origin of the village’s name.
One version says that in the wide meadows located south of Bykovo, there was a cattle station where cattle were fattened before being shipped to Moscow. This gave the name to the settlement. There are also suggestions that Bykovo is indirectly mentioned in the spiritual letters of Grand Dukes Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan the Terrible, but these versions cause controversy among researchers.
This place is also associated with the names of the great Russian architects Vasily Bazhenov and Matvey Kazakov.
My love story for this estate began in 2015, when, in search of interesting places, I came across entries on the Internet about this miracle. At that time, few people knew about it, it was not popular, and there was no volunteer movement that would take care of its preservation. It was amazing that this manor was preserved so close to Moscow. Now, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, the estate continues to exist. Clean-up days are held, the park is filled with people, and various events are organized. Of course, the romantic atmosphere of the abandoned park is lost, but this does not make the estate worse. Ancient trees, elevation differences, ponds and a rotunda on the island create a fabulously magical landscape that looks colorful at any time of the year. And if you read the history of the estate, your imagination begins to draw scenes of the past years.
Bykovo is developing and becoming more and more attractive to visitors. Exhibitions and musical evenings are held. This place has a life of its own. On the volunteers' website you can find many interesting facts about the estate.
It is also worth mentioning the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which transports us from Moscow region to medieval Europe. This adds unreality to the atmosphere of the estate, and after visiting Bykovo it is impossible to forget this place!
Shooting on medium format photographic film in Bykovo
Summer Studies in Bykovo
Центральный заход
В усадебный комплекс мы попадаем через синие ворота, которые хранят в себе дух советского времени. Затем мы идём по тропинке, покрытой угольной пылью от местной котельной, к центральному усадебному дому.
Сам парк и пруды мы исследуем по тропам. Поначалу кажется, что в нём невозможно разобраться, но уже через полчаса становится ясно, как устроена его структура. Чтобы найти церковь, нужно пройти через весь парк, держась левее.
Из-за того, что ландшафт отличается по высоте, можно увидеть множество красивых видов. За один день можно создать 3-4 этюда, которые будут отличаться по освещению и содержанию.
Autumn at the Bykovo estate
The estate is practically in the body of Moscow, from the center it will take an hour by car. A 3-hour walk through all the sights.

The history of the painting

Auction in KupolGallery

Cosmoscow 2024

Bolshye Vyazemy Manor

Plein air-master class