This year, the exhibition was held at a new venue. — The Upper Alley Timiryazev Center, 8, is a great place, big in scope, with good access. Lots of parking. We were lucky that we went to the opening in the morning. The queue was already packed at 12:00.
Modern art is diverse, and everyone will find something interesting for themselves. I choose works that are technically difficult and can really be said to be art.
Of all the many works, I remember these for myself.

Bolshye Vyazemy Manor
The palace and Park ensemble of the XVI–XIX centuries. Bolshye Vyazemye in the Moscow region

Plein air-master class
Plein air is a painting created in the open air. At the master class, I will tell you how to approach this process...

Мастерская Репина
Музей-усадьба И. Е. Репина «Пенаты», выставка — выставка «Мастер Репин. Эпизоды из жизни учителя и учеников» в музее...

The history of the painting
“The search for stories” 120×330 cm, oil on canvas, potal. Dedicated to Pushkin’s exile in Mikhailovsky

Auction in KupolGallery
A Christmas painting auction will be held at the Kupol Gallery on December 12.