Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin
Painting of 2024, Sergey Ratchin. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Art Works in 2024

Many works were collected for the new exhibition. I combined them in a virtual gallery so that you can feel them together.

Catalog of artworks 2024

Painting in 2024

The works were created in 2023-2024. The color scheme is complex, potal and matte and glossy paints were used-unfortunately, all this is not visible in the photos. However, this is fascinating in person: in different light sources, the pictures begin to come to life and change.

Картина посвящена А.С.Пушкину, его прибыванию в ссылке в его родовом имении Михайловское. обстановка его кабинета, сплетаются с со знаковыми эпизодами того времени.
Поиск историй 120х230см, холст, масло
painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Miracles in the Past 129x233, acrylic on canvas
The Girl and Death, M. Gorky
The Girl and Death
Danae, myth, dreams, painting with a complex meaning, modern art, artist Ratchin
Danae's Dreams
Paradise, landscape with mountains, dreams, painting with a complex meaning, modern art, artist Ratchin, interior painting
Paradise 100x150, холст, масло, поталь
Rouen, Rouen cathedral, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Rouen Cathedralа
Moscow, St. Basil's Cathedral, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
shadow Architect
Peterhof, shadows of peterhof, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Last rays of the year 80x100, acrylic on canvas
painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Italian courtyard
Girl in a cocoanut, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Good morning
Krutitskaya sloboda, krutitskoye podvorye, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Krutitsa farmstead
peterhof, painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
Peterhof spring 90X120, acrylic on canvas
painting with meaning, interior painting, contemporary art, iconic artist, popular artist, famous artist,
clouds over Etretat
Полина Гагарина любит круглые картины
Весна в Марфино 80см, холст масло, акрил
Грозовой склон 80х80см, холст масло
Грозовой склон 80х80см, холст масло
Грозовые вести 80х90см, холст масло, акрил
Грозовые вести 80х90см, холст масло, акрил
Лестница к Чудесам 70х90см, холст масло
Лестница к Чудесам 70х90см, холст масло
Северное солнце 80х80см, холст масло
Северное солнце 80х80см, холст масло
Старый двор Города Тула, центр города, где жизнь без центрального отопления и водопровода.
Старый двор - Новые мечты 80х80см, холст масло