The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Each canvas is a guide to the world of nostalgia and fantasy, where old toys, cozy corners of the house, and fragments of memories are intertwined with phantasmagoric images and plots. Surreal landscapes and mystical architecture bring us back to the pages of children’s books, where everything is shrouded in mystery and magic. Painting mixes reality with illusion on the canvas.Sergey Ratchin’s technique is in synthesis with the ideological content of the painting. The texture of the strokes and contrasting color solutions harmoniously complement the figurative base. The process of creating art is a state of balancing on the boundaries of reality and illusion. Subjective worlds collide, which generates portals, errors in the fabric of being. The canvas dedicated to A. S. Pushkin is filled with similar elements. So gray interior items, which are both symbols of a bygone era and objects from the world of the artist’s ideas, expand the boundaries of the painting. Similar games with space are inherent in the work of “Danae’s Dreams”, where the main character is hidden from the viewer. The dense forest around her is irrational: the tree trunks resemble female figures with their curves. The dancing nature echoes the mystery that should happen according to the plot of the painting, but the viewer does not see the canonical attributes of the Greek myth here. There are no signs of the presence of Zeus or the maidservant, which are usually included in the composition. Only privacy and freedom in a fabulous forest. The thin vertical strokes that cover the painting refer to Rembrandt’s famous work “Danae” (1636, Hermitage), which suffered from acid spilled on it. The smudges left after the restoration inspired Sergei Ratchin. This is how the compositions of a modern artist become a place where different historical epochs and spaces intersect.The mysticism of the paintings draws the viewer into the world of Sergei Ratchin’s performances. The landscapes are filled with subtle lyrics of the painter’s residence in the boundless space of nature and architecture. Blurred images of buildings and street spaces as a potential for creating your own illusion. Kupol Gallery opens to the viewer a surreal world with mysterious images, the keys to solving which can be found in the unusual details of the paintings.


The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Plein air in Peredelkino

All summer in Peredelkino
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Plein air-master class

Plein air is a painting created in the open air. At the master class, I will tell you how to approach this process...
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Изразцовые печи в белорусских усадьбах и замках

Изразцовые печи в усадьбах и замках Беларуси.
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Плёс — лучший город для отдыха

Почему нужно ехать в Плёс
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Мирский замок

Большое путешествие по Белорусси, остановка в Мирском замке
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Лошицкая усадьба

Музей «Лошицкая усадьба» Минск
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Мастерская Репина

Музей-усадьба И. Е. Репина «Пенаты», выставка — выставка «Мастер Репин. Эпизоды из жизни учителя и учеников» в музее...
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Bykovo Manor

Bykovo Manor, A Journey through time
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

The history of the painting

“The search for stories” 120×330 cm, oil on canvas, potal. Dedicated to Pushkin’s exile in Mikhailovsky
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Auction in KupolGallery

A Christmas painting auction will be held at the Kupol Gallery on December 12.
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

The M. V. Nesterov Museum in Ufa

The Bashkir State Art Museum, named after M.V. Nesterov.
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Shakhmatovo manor

The State Memorial Museum-Reserve D.I.Mendeleev and A.A.Blok
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Cosmoscow 2024

This season, the fair will present more than 1,500 works of contemporary art from 83 galleries, among which 18 are...
The Dome Gallery exhibition. Paintings by the artist Sergey Ratchin

Bolshye Vyazemy Manor

The palace and Park ensemble of the XVI–XIX centuries. Bolshye Vyazemye in the Moscow region